The Harmonic Balance method and its application in circuit and electromagnetic problems
Alessandro Giust MSc
June 12, 2018, 1:30 p.m. S2 416-1The Harmonic Balance (HB) method is a technique to solve nonlinear differential equations with periodic solutions. Such a method permits to determine an approximate solution making use of a truncated Fourier series expansion. In this talk, we are going to introduce this technique and show its application in practical problems. The first field of application is related to electrical circuit theory. We will apply the HB analysis for the study of nonlinear circuits discussing the relative implementation and some numerical results. Finally, we will apply the HB method coupled with a FEM discretization to nonlinear electromagnetic problems making use of the so called Harmonic Balance FEM.
We will use this technique to solve the eddy current PDE through an accelerated fixed point scheme. The implementation and the results will be discussed as well.