Johannes Kepler Symposium on Mathematics
As part of the Johannes Kepler symposium on mathematics Ph.D. Thomas Vetterlein, Institut für Wissensbasierte math. Systeme, JKU Linz, will give a public talk (followed by a discussion) on Wed, July 3, 2013 at 15:15 o'clock at S2 416 on the topic of "The semantics of fuzzy logics: Representation of residuated structures" . The organziers of the symposium,
O.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Langer,Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Larcher
A.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Maaß, and
die ÖMG (Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft),
hereby cordially invite you.
Series B - Mathematical Colloquium:
The intention is to present new mathematical results for an audience interested in general mathematics.
The semantics of fuzzy logics: Representation of residuated structures
To describe the mutual dependencies between yes-no propositions, we commonly employ Boolean propositional logic. This two-valued logic underlies mathematical reasoning as well as commonsense reasoning provided that the view on the object under consideration remains unmodified. Fuzzy logic, in contrast, is a logic based on a continuous set of truth values and taylored to deal with borderline cases: a proposition may be neither clearly false (0) nor clearly true (1), but true to some intermediate degree. The conjunction is then commonly interpreted by a t-norm, which is a binary operation on the real unit interval making the latter a totally ordered monoid.
In classical propositional logic, the set of propositions gives rise to a Boolean algebra; in fuzzy logic, propositions typically form an MTL-algebra, which is a particular lattice-ordered monoid. The systematic description of MTL-algebras, and in particular of left-continuous t-norms, has been a challenge for a long time. As a result of this habilitation project we introduce a framework that describes these structures in a convenient way. Our approach allows us to present a systematic view in particular on the totality of t-norms, and numerous known results about t-norms are brought onto a common line.