Johannes Kepler Symposium on Mathematics
As part of the Johannes Kepler symposium on mathematics Dr. Frank Bauer will give a public talk (followed by a discussion) on Wed, May 7, 2008 at 15:15 o'clock at HS 9 on the topic of "Stabilization and Denoising - Practical Examples and Theory -" . The organziers of the symposium,
O.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Langer,Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Larcher
A.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Maaß, and
die ÖMG (Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft),
hereby cordially invite you.
Series B - Mathematical Colloquium:
The intention is to present new mathematical results for an audience interested in general mathematics.
Stabilization and Denoising - Practical Examples and Theory -
In all practical applications one is affected by noise and modelling errors. Countering the effects of these disturbances and safeguarding an as accurate solution as possible has been the goal of several mathematical disciplines, among them statistics/stochastics (for random noise) and in the case of unstable problems functional analysis (mainly for deterministic and modelling errors). In this talk we will set our focus to these unstable (ill-posed or ill-conditioned) problems and show that the combined efforts of functional analytic and stochastic methods lead to very good, in some cases optimal results. Applications from various fields, including image denoising, mathematical imaging, geophysics and financial mathematics will be provided.