Series A - General Colloquium: The intention is to present general information not only to experts, but also to students and guests from outside the mathematical institutes.
2019 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 all (4 talks)
date | time | location | series all |
lecturer | title |
1999-12-01 | 16:00 | HS 10 | JKSA | Markus H. Gross | Modellierungsmethoden in der Chirurgiesimulation |
1999-11-24 | 16:00 | HS 10 | JKSA | Hans Wußing | Zur Frühgeschichte der Analysis |
1999-05-19 | 15:00 | HS 10 | JKSA | Urbaan Titulaer | Das Wechselspiel zwischen Mathematik und Physik |
1999-05-05 | 15:00 | HS 10 | JKSA | Rudolf Wille | Kontextuelle Logik: Ein Ansatz zur Restrukturierung der Mathematischen Logik |