Series A - General Colloquium: The intention is to present general information not only to experts, but also to students and guests from outside the mathematical institutes.
Series B - Mathematical Colloquium: The intention is to present new mathematical results for an audience interested in general mathematics.
Series D - Didactics
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 all (7 talks)
date | time | location | series all |
lecturer | title |
2014-11-19 | 17:30 | HS 3 | JKSA | Florin Diacu | Historical Chronology: Truth or Fable? |
2014-09-17 | 15:15 | HS 13 | JKSB | Thomas Vetterlein | Fuzzy logic: an algebraic investigation of its semantics |
2014-06-25 | 15:15 | HS 13 | JKSA | Gert-Martin Greuel | Mathematik zwischen Forschung, Anwendung und Vermittlung |
2014-06-18 | 15:15 | HS 13 | JKSB | Wolfgang Windsteiger | Mathematical Assistant Systems for Theory Exploration and Mathematics Education |
2014-04-03 | 08:15 | S2 416-2 | JKSB | Alfio Borzì | A Fokker-Planck Strategy to Control Stochastic Processes |
2014-02-05 | 16:15 | HS 3 | JKSA | Andreas Binder | Wir bewerten einen Swap |
2014-01-16 | 13:00 | S2 416 | JKSB | Volker Mehrmann | Optimal control of flow problems via the discretization of transfer operators |